I got 99 problems, but a BARBER ain’t one!

I got 99 problems, but a BARBER ain’t one!
So…..I was referred to a barber by a friend of mine. He said “dude is a cat*, but he’ll cut you right”. I started laughing and said ok, I’ll try him out.

When I arrived at the location, I walked into a beauty shop first, and his barbering area was in the rear. Being in an environment that had an equal amount of men and women made me feel a little more at ease. He was running late and had people waiting, so I made a mental note that he may have an issue with being on time. He was very personable and asked me a lot of questions that made me feel relaxed, and he put the cape around me and went to work. I’m sitting there with a few butterflies in my stomach as my hair hit the floor, but excited to see the outcome. As I turned around and faced the mirror, I was Shocked. It was low…. Real low… I didn’t know if I liked it or not, but I knew he gave me a great cut. It was feminine, even, and cut well. After leaving the shop, I went to my sister, and she dyed it brown (I had too many natural highlights aka grey hairs), and after it was dyed, I fell in love with my hair. I felt empowered! Cinderella had finally found her slipper.


It can be difficult being a woman with short hair, and to not have people cut it properly can really feel devastating. It messes with your self-esteem.
Since my first haircut, I’ve gone back on three separate occasions. Honestly he is the best barber, but boy can he tell a story, and he’s never on time, but hey, I look great!


Cat* – a person who is always talking, but never says anything with substance. Not trustworthy.

The Big Chop: Cutting off all of my hair and starting over!

Every time I run into a person that knows me, they gasp …LOL. They are like “OMG you cut your hair”. Not only did I cut off all of my hair, but I went natural and dyed my hair purple. I was the person who always had to be at the hair salon to make sure my hair was on point. Never wanted a strand to be out of place. I’ve done everything with my hair, except wearing it how my creator created it. I’ve worn short straight styles, long weaves, short weaves, press and curls, corn rows, singles, so on and so forth.

In December of 2014 I had extensions put in by celebrity stylist Tamara NeCole also known as #SaddityHair. This was the biggest hair mistake of my life. When I took my extensions out February 14, 2015, I had 35% hair loss in the middle of my head. It was a huge bald spot. I was literally in tears from this experience. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know if the damage was permanent, if it was repairable, I didn’t know what to do, but I was devastated. I reached out to her, and she apologized and sent me a month’s supply of hair vitamins, and growth oil, but dragged her feet with sending the package. I felt like her and her staff could have had better customer service considering she pulled out a ton of my hair. After that, I worked with my natural hair stylist in the Bay Area to grow my hair back. I vowed that once/if my hair grew back in, I was cutting it off and going natural. No more pulling and struggling to do unnecessary things to my hair. No more feeling like I have to conform to society’s expectation of beauty.

On Friday June 12, 2015, my hair had grown in where the damage occurred, no more bald spots. I felt so relieved and one week later on June 24, 2015 I went to a barber and cut everything off. I had my natural Hair stylist color it to give it an edge.

I fell in love. I feel free, freer than I have ever felt. I was so unhappy and insecure with my hair, especially after the damage occurred, and NOW I have taken my happiness back. Cutting my hair felt more emotional & spiritual than physical. With every strand being cut was negative thoughts and/or feelings leaving my body.

Today I walk in my journey of life with power, strength, love, and JOY!